St Helen's CE Primary School

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St Helen's CE Primary School, Highfield Road, Hemsworth, WF9 4EG

01977 617955

St Helen's CE Primary School

St Helen's After-school Wraparound Childcare is now open!

  1. School Info
  2. Wraparound Childcare

Wraparound Childcare


Breakfast Club

 Breakfast Club is open from 7:45am Monday to Friday. Bookings can be made through your Parent Pay account. £1.50 per day.


After School Wraparound

We now have our very own afterschool wraparound care. Bookings can be made through your Parent Pay account. 


Until 5pm = £9 per day

Until 6pm = £13 per day


Tax-free childcare vouchers can be used. 

Parents who qualify for Universal Credit can claim up to 80% back. 


Children are provided with a light tea and get to take part in lots of fun activities. 


If you require more information then please speak to the school office.