St Helen's CE Primary School

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St Helen's CE Primary School, Highfield Road, Hemsworth, WF9 4EG

01977 617955

St Helen's CE Primary School

St Helen's After-school Wraparound Childcare is now open!

  1. Curriculum
  2. Religion & World Views

Religion & World Views

Our Religion & World Views leader is Mrs Carr.

At St Helens, we aim to develop children’s skills of enquiry, reasoned argument and reflection. Our school, together with family, church and community, offers a stable rock for learning, resilience and aspiration as we travel through life. 

We commit to create a dynamic environment, with Christian values at the heart, where the unique nature of each individual is respected and nurtured to enable life in all its fullness. 

Alongside Christianity, children are taught about a range of religions and learn to respect and ask questions about different religions, traditions and cultures around the world. As a Church of England school, we have developed strong links with our local church and this forms an integral part of our school life. We pay particular attention to the Christian calendar, participating in a range of festivals and celebrations that enhance our children’s spiritual development. 

We believe children learn best from real experiences in order to capture their imaginations and encourage curiosity. We try to enhance our curriculum in many ways to ensure this is how children learn and respect different religions. The whole school ethos is to encourage children enquire and ask questions in order to impact on their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. During religious education lessons, children are challenged to push themselves to think outside of their comfort zones and explore their skills, beliefs and ideas; asking questions at all times whilst experiencing practical lessons. 

Children are taught to think about their own school and personal values and to understand how people of different backgrounds or beliefs may share similar perspectives whilst differing in other values. Questions are constantly being asked of children whilst allowing them to ask their own questions in order to develop their critical thinking, self-belief and self-confidence. Children exhibit their religious education in many ways, from dance, creativity, writing and role-play in order to fully immerse children in understanding of faiths. 

RE Long Term Plan

RE Progression Document