St Helen's CE Primary School

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St Helen's CE Primary School, Highfield Road, Hemsworth, WF9 4EG

01977 617955

St Helen's CE Primary School

St Helen's After-school Wraparound Childcare is now open!

  1. School Info
  2. Admissions


Please click on the documents below for further information:


Our Admissions Policies can be found on our Polices Page


Parents should apply for school places through the Local Authority. A link to the Wakefield admissions website can be found here. This website outlines the Local Authority policy for admissions as well as guidance for parents on the admissions process.


Admissions and Inclusion

All teachers in our school are teachers of children with SEND. As such we adopt a 'whole school approach' to special educational needs and disabilities, which involves all staff adhering to a model of good practice. We are committed to identifying and providing for the needs of all children in a wholly inclusive environment. Inclusion is regarded as crucial to the policy, in line with that of the Local Authority.  When a child starts at our school the parents/carers fill in details of medical history, which could alert the school to potential problems. Parents and carers are also asked if they are happy with their child’s development, language skills and general health and physicality. We also ask for details of any external agencies already involved with the child.  The school operates an equal opportunities policy for children with SEND who are afforded the same rights as other children. This includes children with an Education and Health Care plan (EHCP), along with others who have less significant special educational needs/disabilities, but may have a Learner Profile, a Supporting Me to Learn Plan, a My Support Plan or be involved in interventions to support their needs.

The admission arrangements for all pupils are in accordance with national legislation, including the Equality Act 2010. This includes children with any level of SEND; including any child with an Education, Health and Care plans.  All SEN paperwork should be passed to our SENCo, Mrs C Saxton, by any previous setting or parents, as soon as possible. If the child is making a transition from another school, a meeting may be set up between the feeding school to aid the smooth transition of the pupil, and discuss arrangements to be made as well as any other important information relating to that child’s needs. Where face to face meetings are not possible, contact will be made via telephone to ensure that there is a good understanding of what type of provision is required.  We will do our best to ensure that the necessary provisions and preparations are made prior (where possible) to the child starting with us. The child will be closely monitored from the start to ensure that all the appropriate provisions are in place.


The contact details for the Primary Admissions Team are:

Wakefield School Admissions Website

Admissions Team:
Family Services,
School Admissions,
County Hall,

01924 305616

01924 305617

01924 305789

01924 306766

