St Helen's CE Primary School

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St Helen's CE Primary School, Highfield Road, Hemsworth, WF9 4EG

01977 617955

St Helen's CE Primary School

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  1. School Info
  2. Sports Premium

Sports Premium

We believe a high quality PE curriculum should be an integral part of the whole school curriculum and one that staff,  pupils and parents understand and can contribute to.

Our school recognises the values that a high quality PE and school sport curriculum gives pupils.

All pupils are entitled to benefit from high quality PE provision and there is significant evidence to show that this supports other learning right across the curriculum. It also contributes to healthy and active lifestyles, improves emotional well-being, reduces poor behaviour, increases attendance and develops key skills such as leadership, confidence, social and team building skills. Our PE curriculum aims to ensure that all pupils develop the fundamental skills and competence to excel in a wide range of physical activities by providing a broad & balanced curriculum with opportunities for all to be enjoyed.

A high quality PE curriculum will develop physical literacy and will allow pupils to learn about themselves, the importance of a healthy lifestyle, self-expression and concepts such as fair play and respect. It also contributes to the development of a range of important cognitive skills such as decision making and analysis, and social skills such as teamwork and communication.

Physical education encourages pupils to be active and supports them in their understanding of how to participate safely and effectively. They understand the barriers to participation and work to overcome these for themselves and others.  Our PE curriculum will be inclusive and ensure that pupils of all abilities access the range of activities we offer and that they are physically active for sustained periods of time in order to encourage them to lead healthy, active lives. There will also be opportunities for pupils to take on leadership roles in which they can build character and embed values such as fairness and respect.

Regular participation in sport and physical activity can help to reduce the risk of heart failure; improve physical fitness; help with weight management; promote good health; instil self- discipline; develop skill; improve self- confidence; reduce stress and develop lifelong learning skills.
A high quality physical education curriculum can inspire all pupils to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically demanding activities. We are improving our programme of intra and inter school competitions which will provide opportunities for pupils to participate in competitive sports and activities both in and beyond the curriculum. This will mean that pupils have the opportunity to participate at all of the four levels of competitive sport.

Our mission is to improve and increase the quality and quantity of high quality PE for pupils, to show how PE can enhance pupils’ attainment and achievement and to create pathways for them to continue to be active beyond school. We will be developing our links to outside agencies and clubs which will help to generate positive interaction in the community.

We are striving towards improving the delivery of the teaching & learning of PE in order to promote participation, progress and performance.

Below, please see how we have set out how we have spent previous Sports Premium Grant and also this years too.  Any questions about PE, please contact Mrs Benton.



 PE & Sports Premium Plan - February 2024.pdfDownload
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 Impact of Primary PE and Sports Premium - 2022-2023.pdfDownload
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