St Helen's CE Primary School

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St Helen's CE Primary School, Highfield Road, Hemsworth, WF9 4EG

01977 617955

St Helen's CE Primary School

St Helen's After-school Wraparound Childcare is now open!

  1. Community
  2. Church

Our Church

St Helen's Church is part of the Parish of Hemsworth.

As a school we work in very close partnership with our church – St Helen's in Hemsworth. The parish priest, Father Robert Hart is very much an active part of the school community as Chair of Governors and is always available to listen and encourage both children and staff.

Father Robert explaining what Baptism looks like in church to Acorn class!






We visit the church often as part of our curriculum and Mass . The children are very much involved in planning and preparing for the Mass whether that is through class or the Faith Team. These times of worship are very special and provide all children with the opportunity to engage in worship at an age appropriate level. They also provide children with the opportunity to be still, quiet and reflective on the things that are important in life to them.


The major Christian festivals are always celebrated with a Mass either in the church or in school. Our Faith Team, help to prepare for these services with Mrs Golding.


Children regularly visit the church as part of their RE learning. It is a wonderful resource which we are proud to have on our door step.


Our Diocese

We are proud to be part of the Diocese of Leeds.